Guest Writer: Christiaan Funkhouser
Hey everyone!
Christiaan here, William has had some personal family issues that require him to be out of state and due to the sensitive and emotional drain he isn’t taking his laptop. In short, he’s ok, and I’m sure he’ll tell you about it upon his return on February 4th. Until then, he asked me to do the devotions.
For those of you who don’t know, I serve as Secretary on the board of TDMI and I also help out with marketing and branding.
I graduated with my Master of Divinity in Christian Education from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary. I speak at conferences across the south east (and have even taught outside of the United States). I love literature, pop culture, movies, and the like so I tend to reference those for analogies throughout my talks/devotions because I feel it’s important to be able to have a point of relation to the topic.
The good news is that if you hate my style, William will be returning soon. The good is also that if you love my style, you’ll find the same if not better essence in William’s devotions.
I’ve decided for at least the first two devotions they’ll be working together, referencing each other to lead to a greater point and I’m really excited to share with you what God’s been showing me about things.
- Christiaan